The Tortilla Curtain, a novel by T.C. Boyle, chronicles the very different lives of two couples living in California. One couple, white and upper class, struggle with the impact of illegal immigrants on their daily lives. América and Cándido, the other couple who are illegal aliens, try to overcome stereotypes that are preventing them from achieving the American dream. The Tortilla Curtain offers two different perspectives on illegal immigration by telling the story from the two couples’ point of views. Readers feel the frustration when Delaney and Kyra have many disturbances in their lives because of the illegal immigrants. However, the readers also sympathize when América and Cándido constantly face major setbacks because of their race, though in the land of opportunities. Immigration is a hot topic in our country now more than ever, and T.C. Boyle is able to portray two of the views into his book. After careful research, I would like you to take a stance on illegal immigration. Do they have a right to be in this country or should they be deported back to Mexico? Is the relationship between U.S. citizens and immigrants parasitic or symbiotic? When you have made your decision, you will make a 1-2 minute commercial video using iMovie advertising your opinion on immigration and why we do/do not need it in our country.
To begin your research, you will use two podcasts and movies from iTunes. Search "Immigration Stories" by David Grubin and WETA to understand the background of our country's immigrants and the difficulties they faced. Remember their triumphs when you learn more about the Mexican immigrants. Next search "Condoleeza Rice on Immigration Reform" and listen to her passionately speak about the importance of immigration in our country. When you have finished with iTunes, move onto our "Issues and Controversies in American History" database. There, you will search for two articles, one called "Immigration and Cultural Identity" and the other titled "Public Opinion on Immigration". From these two articles, you will understand some of America's feelings on immigration as well as the impact they have on our country. A peer's blog article "Tortilla Curtain: Problems Hispanic immigrants are facing" details many issues aliens deal with inside our country. Through my delicious page, you can find outside blogs and articles on this topic. Some advocate for immigration rights while others explain why immigration is a problem. Lastly, using quote excerpts from the novel will give both sides on the immigration debate. Once you have formed your opinion, start making your commercial!